The 4 Ws

These 4 components are a staple to my everyday "routine". Once I am victorious in the first one, I MUST do the other three. If not, my day is off. I equate it to how many feel when they don't get that first cup of coffee lol Wake-up - God has given me another day ! Never take for granted the air that you breathe. It wasn't the alarm clock that woke you up. It was God! Because He woke you up, you were able to hear the alarm clock go off. Because I am grateful for life, it leads me to Worship. Worship- I begin to thank Him for the blessings. I spend time with Him seeking wisdom and clarity and focus and direction. Psalm 37:23 (TPT) " The steps of the God-pursuing ones follow firmly in the footsteps of the Lord, and God delights in every step they take to follow him." It's in worship the I receive my instructions and charge for the day. How will I know what I'm purposed to do unless I ask the One who cre...