Lord Give Me A Sign....

No I'm not quoting lyrics from a DMX song 😃

So many times, when we pray, we sometimes aren't sure if the answer is from God or if it's something we create in our minds.....oh, I guess I'm the only one.  Anywhooo

It's not that there is doubt....you just want to "know that you know that you know" 100% that this is God speaking.

Here's my question.......how many more signs does God have to give you before you know that it is Him giving you the green light?

I understand the first time "missing" the sign, okay maybe even the second time.  But after the third, fourth, and tenth sign, it's past time to listen.  Meaning you're treading a very thin line of walking in disobedience to the instructions God has given you.  Of course we don't want to look at it like that because we often think disobedience is the "big sin".  But there is no such thing as a big sin or little sin with God.  It's ALL sin to Him.  So whether you committed murder or told a lie, God sees it as sin.  MAN is the one that categorizes it.

So again, I ask......how many more signs do you need in order to do what you know God has already told you to do?  If He told you to do it, He's got you covered.  1 Samuel 15:22  "Obedience is better than sacrifice".
No more asking for "just one more sign".  Don't miss out on what God has in store because of your own stubbornness.

Be blessed of the Lord!

Hugs and Luv


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