The Written Word

The Written Word

I used to think it was crazy to whip out a device such as a phone or camera to record a prophecy spoken over me.  I used to think it was not being in the Spirit if you are focused on making sure the word is recorded. But I am so glad Holy Spirit checked me on this.

Last night as I was working on a project God told me to complete for this year, I had this reminder:
Then the Lord answered me,
“Write the vision.  Make it clear on tablets so that anyone can read it quickly. The vision will still happen at the appointed time.  It hurries toward its goal.  It won't be a lie.  If it's delayed, wait for it.  It will certainly happen. It won't be late."
Habukkuk 2:2-3

The power of the written word.....the power of writing the spoken word (prophecy) over your life. As I was working, God had me go back and look over the word He spoke directly to me: 13 years ago!
This is important for those times of discouragement.
This is important for those times when we lose focus.
This is important for those times of doubt.
This is important for those times of impatience.

When I read over this word, it all made sense.  I had a VERY challenging day Wednesday that spilled some into Thursday. I was on the verge of totally shutting myself down and off. I was silent and vowed to remain that way (total joke because the prophet can't be silenced lol).  Nothing I did could seem to get me back on track.... but last night as I read what God spoke directly to me, something broke in me.

I read it over and over and over and over.....
and over
and over
and over!
Just staring at the words like I never read them or heard them ever.
Just absorbing and envisioning being face to face with God as He spoke every word.
Closing my eyes and allowing the breath of His words to blow me overtake me....but not knock me down!

So I encourage you, next time the Word of the Lord is being spoken over you, make sure you record it.  Who cares if someone looks at you because you are pushing "record" on your phone.  You don't want to miss one morsel of instruction given by God.  And after you record it, write it down!  So that you can SEE what God has spoken over you.

I pray you are blessed and encouraged!

Hugs and Luv


  1. At Eagle's Nest we record every prophecy and give the CD to the person. Everything you said is such wisdom. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. That's awesome! There have been a few prophecies I have missed because I didn't want to be shamed for pulling out my phone to record it. But never again. If I see that God is about to impart a word into me, I'll be like "excuse me, I need to record this." And what I've learned it, a true oracle of the Lord will allow that because they understand the power of having prophecy recorded/documented.


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