Eating Disorder Testimony

Please excuse the sound quality of this video. 

This was the very first time I openly shared my story of my battle with Anorexia and Bulimia.  I connected with my sister Pamela with an organization called Girls Like Us via Myspace (I know ancient history) and she asked me to share my story at her event she was having.  
I was so nervous.  I didn't know what to say or how to make it sound pretty. But all I needed to share was my truth from my heart.  It didn't matter how shaky my voice was.  It didn't matter how many times I said um.  All I know is that some young lady need to hear my story!  They needed to hear there was someone just like them.  Someone that understood.  Someone that "got it."

The same way I shared with complete strangers that day, I'm sharing this with you in hopes that it gets shared with someone else.  Whether it's someone you know personally that is struggling with an eating disorder or if YOU personally are, I pray you are encouraged but what I share.

I am making myself available if anyone would like to talk or needs direction on how to get help.  You are not alone.

Hugs and Love


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