Seek Ye First

This was a blog that I had in my draft for almost 6 years!  Not sure why it never got published, or let alone finished.  But as I read over it, I understand a little more...

Do we really understand what it means to seek Him first?
That means inquire of Him first. Before asking anyone else. Place first into your thinking Kingdom impact and results. Does what I'm about to do or even say benefit the Kingdom in a positive way?
Many times a "good" idea is not always a "God" ideas.  So it's important that we seek God first in all decisions not matter how great or small.


"The spirit of the Lord is saying: Seek me first.
I have a lot going on in my mind in regards to what God wants me to do. I’m searching for new employment. I don’t want anything full time b/c I would like the flexibility that I have now.  I’m wondering if I should try to work on my own. So many thoughts are whirling in my head.  I was driving to work this morning listening to Kelanie Glocker “All Creatures of Our God & King” and I thought about worship. Didn’t get all deep into it. Just thought about a convo I had w/ a first lady yesterday about a worship conference. I was like I need to talk to her more about that.  As soon as I said that I heard God say, seek me first.  It was so quiet but yet so loud. I knew immediately what He was talking about. And all I could say was Amen. We hear the scripture so much: seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matt 6:33) "

Be Blessed
The Worship Writer


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