
This last week I was kind of in a funk…not funky lol but just feeling blah.  I let the cares of my world get to me. I had to fall asleep listening to music because my mind would not slow down long enough for me to fall asleep.  Yesterday evening I found myself sitting in my room in the dark with the door closed….just…didn’t even know what I was thinking……
I got up this morning and said my prayer as I got ready for work….it was a tough morning because Nazir seemed EXTRA cranky. Surprisingly, I didn’t let that get to me.

As I drove to work I had Pastor Lloyd Pulley tuned in on my radio.  But I really wasn’t listening.  All of a sudden something hit me…….no not a car thankfully. The Holy Spirit hit me.  He was like “child of God what are you doing?”  He didn’t need to say much more after that.  I was like you right.  I began to encourage myself.  I began to speak against this funk and call it out of me.  I told the enemy he needs to shut up, go somewhere and be seated.  He’s messin with the wrong one.  I began to remind myself of who I am….I am a child of God….I reminded myself that I was beautifully made by God so this ugliness I was feeling had to go. I reminded myself that I have victory through Christ so this defeat I was feeling needed go somewhere else.  I reminded myself that I don’t need to be carrying the worries of my world on my shoulders….just give it to Jesus.

Then I started thinking about fighting.  I’m so grateful that we wrestle not against flesh n blood b/c a sista gots no fighting skills.  But because we fight a spiritual war…I know I can pray and actually win *smile*.  I started thinking about wrestling like WWE & RAW wrestling.  Then I thought about tag team matches.  I got the image of me in the ring fighting the enemy.  He had me in a Figure Four Leg Lock, then an Ankle Lock, and then he tried a Bear Hug. He tried everything in his power to get me to “tap out”. You know when you tap out that is an automatic win for your opponent.  I admit, I was getting weak but I could concede….I wouldn’t let him get the victory.  As he tightened his grip, I glanced over at my team…..waiting to be tagged in……if I could just get to the rope…if I could just tag one on my Triple Threat Team.  Seeing their eagerness I dragged myself slowly to my side of the ring.  The enemy tried to switch up to another move to keep me from getting over to my team. But I had determination.  I was determined to get help. When you have a determination, it empowers you.  Because I was so determined, I was able to drag myself and the enemy slowly over to my side of the ring….as he tried to pull me back into the center of the ring; I was able to tag one of my team mates….You know what happened next! It didn’t matter which one I tagged: God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit.
Because this is a spiritual fight, we got to use our spiritual weapons.  Once I got out of the ring, I began to just say Hallelujah. I actually did this in the car too.  Praise is one of our spiritual weapons.  I began giving God his praise. I began to feel so much better.  The word is our weapon: I encouraged myself using the word of God.  Prayer and worship are spiritual weapons. Stop trying to fight the enemy with carnal methods. 
It’s time that we stop trying to win this fight on our own, using our own methods.  It’s perfectly fine to tag in one of the Triple Threat team members. We already have the victory through Jesus Christ no need to try something new. It worked back in the bible and it sho nuff works today.  

Be Blessed


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