In the Stillness

Every morning when I wake up, I open my Morning Meditation playlist on YouTube and just sit.  I don't pray (yet) or do anything else.  I just sit.

Do you know how hard it is to just be still?  It's one thing to be quiet.  But to be still takes a greater discipline.  Because in being still, you have to silence the "inner thoughts"  the "inner voices".  I'm the type of person, if I wake up in the middle of the night, I can NOT think about anything or I will be awake.  It can be the simplest thing.  Once my mind gets going, there's no turning it off. Even to go back to sleep for a few precious moments of snoozing.

As I sit, usually on the bed, I focus on the music that I am listen to.  It's all instrumental.  No words, no even instrumentals of songs I know.  Just strings, flutes, and piano.  Anyone that knows me, knows I LOVE a good string driven song, especially if a Cello is involved. I don't talk to God (yet), I don't read a scripture.  I just sit...inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.  It's so soothing and forces me to not be so quick to go through the motions of the day but to appreciate the quiet moments.

If you are interested in learning more about how to be still in the morning, I encourage you to listen to one of the songs on my playlist.  Here's the link to my Morning Meditation YouTube play list.

Please share with me what you think of the playlist and how you will begin to incorporate being still into your morning routine.

Hugs and love,


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