You Want me to do What?

That is the question I asked God in the bathroom a few weeks ago.  But you want me to do something I'm still struggling with? .......His answer....if I'm telling you to do it, obviously you are victorious over it....OUCH

So God told me to write a book about something that is a major struggle for me right now.  He even gave me the title. I'm like how u gonna give me the title funny. Yes I talk to God like that. But the point was....why would He give me the title and show me the cover if I wasn't going to conquer it.  I mean I am more than a conqueror and He has given me the victory....I just have to walk in it.  And then I think a day or two later, one of my brothers on twitter tweeted about topic and it was confirmation that I need to just do what God said lol.  and THEN another brother tweeted how he appreciates the transparency that I always tweet with...yet another confirmation.......
I sometimes wonder why we have to wait for so many confirmations to come before we just go on ahead and do what God said to do. *that's another blog for another time*

I don't know when it will be about but I will be writing a book about my struggle with anger.....I was told that my destiny is tied up in my anger....that thing stays ringing in my head but yet....well....I guess I'll save that for the book.....I will keep you posted on how that's coming me....the book won't be out tomorrow cuz um yea...the Holy Spirit is still working with me on this lol
so y'all keep a sista in prayer please.

Love you all....
Jenelle The Model   


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