How Can I Love Others?

Right now I'm listening to Israel Houghton's song "Others" and the chorus goes like this:
so I want to love like you love,
love like you love
want to love others
the way that you love me

I was singing that song on a drive home from a weekend with my Royal Soror's of the Daughter's of Christ Sorority.  As I was singing the chorus, I had to stop singing.  I couldn't sing anymore. And the reason was because I knew at the moment I wasn't able to love others the way God loves them......because I couldn't love myself the way God loves me.  How can I truly love my brothers and sisters as God does when I don't even love myself that way He does?  How can I encourage my brothers & sisters when I don't believe it for me? 

The past 2 weeks have been very trying for me......I had a nice long chat with my Daddy yesterday on my way to a staff meeting 90 minutes away.  The combination of Israel & New Breed blasting through the speakers and me being honest about how I felt brought some closure for me.  I was at my lowest point.  I was so broken.  I had begun to take on a defeatist attitude. I tried tapping in but felt so dry.  I was spiritually dehydrated. 

As I prepared for the drive, I made an a special play list for the right.  I've always been blessed by Israel's music & I've always been able to get to that place when I listened to it.  So I had my playlist set and I was excited about the drive.  I didn't wait till I got on the highway to start the music. Soon as I hoped in the car it was on and poppin.

I just began to talk to God. It wasn't about formality or nothing. I was like God I need you. There was nothing more that i could say because that's all that needed to be said.  In my car I re-dedicated my life back to Christ.  I confessed the sinner's prayer.  I had to ask God to come back into my heart and into my life.  In that car, I declared that I would not be the same person I had bee for the past two weeks. I made up in my heart and in my mind to live out Romans 12:2 " transformed by the renewing of your mind....." 
As I continued to worship & sing, I began to declare some things. When I got home I wrote it down in my journal. This will be my daily confession:

Dear God,
Let my heart love me the way You love me
Let my ears hear only Your words.  Let no negative words come into my hearing: only words of positivity, empowerment, encouragement & edification.
Let my eyes see how You see me. Let my sight be Your sight. I want to see the way you see.  Let my gaze stay focused on You.
Let my words be Your words.  Let me speak life only. Let no foul thing be spoken from my lips.
Let my mind be Your mind. Let me have the mind of Christ.
Let my life bring glory to You.  Let my actions back up what I speak.
You can borrow this if you need to. 
I'm so thankful that God didn't give up on me when I gave up on myself. I know it sounds churchy & cliche but it's so true. I had given up on myself but He was right there waiting with open arms for me to just come back to Him. 

I hope this has encouraged you in some way.  If you feel like you're at your lowest or breaking point, RUN to God as fast as you can.  This is when you need to get back in to His presence.  Run to Him, He's waiting with arms wide open to embrace you.

Hugs & Love


  1. Thank you for being so OPEN and transparent once again. YOUR openess will help others get where you are. I LOVE YOU!!!!

  2. awww Thank you Mom...but trust's not by my doing LOL God is making me be so transparent lol. I just pray ppl are blessed by the words that i share. Love you more


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